Rejuvenating Yoni Steam (3 bags)

Rejuvenating Yoni Steam (3 bags)


Our refreshing Yoni Steam contains many medicinal and fragrant herbs and flowers known for their positive effects on the yoni and on reproductive health.

Through allowing the warm steam to increase blood flow to the vaginal area, this ancient ritual is thought to help open the pores of the vulvar and vaginal skin to allow the steam of the medicinal herbs to penetrate the skin and promote healing and rejuvenation.

Our Rejuvenating Yoni Steam comes with the options to steep the loose herbs or keep them together in a medium sized tea bag for efficiency

Each order will receive three 1oz Rejuvenation Yoni Steam Bags.

Quick Tips:

Allow the herbs time to cool after steeping. Ensure the steam is not too hot to sit comfortably.

Hotter does not equal better, stronger or more beneficial! This could cause an adverse and unwanted effect. Treat your vagina with the same respect you show your face.

Discard or compost the remnants of the herbs. Do not reuse.

Following the steam, ensure to pat yourself dry and allow the vagina some fresh, dry air before dressing. A sundress is the ideal wardrobe for this.

Each steam bag is one time use and contains 1 oz of organic herbs and flowers.

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